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Hello! I'm Matt.

Nice to meet you!  I'm glad your here!

Here's a little bit about me, I hope I can learn a little bit about you, too.

Short spiel:


I like to have adventures.  I like to ride my bike.  Many times the two go together.  I created This blog as an attempt to share with the world some of my stories and perhaps inspire someone to try and add just a little more adventure to their lives.

Long(er) spiel:

August 11th, 2017.  I had a fall and fractured my left tibia just above my ankle joint.  Surgery, a plate, and 7 screws later.  I decided to do something different.  My weight had ballooned to well over 300 pounds,  I was drinking way to much, and in more than one way not the happiest.  Nothing will make you reflect more than not being able to take a single step for several months.

In January 2018, I finished my physical therapy and haven't moving stopped since.  I started going to the gym and decided to signup for a triathlon training program.  I bought new running shoes, a snorkel, and a new bike.  I finished the race in June 2018, and through I really haven't touched the shoes or the snorkel since, I've kept riding.  Over 2,500 miles later I can truly say riding my bike has been a pillar of a life transformed.  I dropped over 50 pounds and have found some great new friends and networks.  I find myself trying to say yes more often.  I love to try new restaurants, visit new places, and explore other people's passions.  I believe that everyone is a nerd about something.  And that something should be celebrated.

While today it may seem that I am another one of those crazy cyclists who ride thousands of miles every year and are therefore elitist and unapproachable. But I still think that I'm a very average adventurer.  I want this blog to serve as a place to connect and share a little of all of our adventures (big or small) in this crazy thing called life.

Thank you again for stopping by.  Feel free to explore a little of my adventure, perhaps it will inspire you to try something new and make a change.  Who knows where it may lead.

'till next time!


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