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Writer's pictureMatt

Cross Country 2023 Day 25: Winnett to Jordan

Today I was stuck on the highway.

Well our gravel luck has seemingly run out. We left Winnett. Hit Montana 200 and that was about it. 76 miles later we were in Jordan. The shoulder situation is more of the same. Shoulders will appear. Shoulders will disappear. Some vehicles are kind. Others buzz you rather than slow down because they are worried they can't see over the hill.

The roads were long and rolling. Mile plus climbs followed by mile plus descents. Wind was favorable, but the temps were borderline hot. I think there's also something about riding on hot pavement that seems to raise the temps even higher.

We had two stops. One was at a rest area which I discovered that the previous land owner was originally from South Dakota. How interesting! Also Montana has the rest area game figured out. Multiple individual restrooms and a large informative welcome area. I'll take it. While we were hanging out a lady came up to us and asked about our journey. She then commented that we were on the "highway from hell". I don't know if I'd call it hell, but unfriendly for sure.

Second stop was highly recommended by cycling sites we'd been checking. Sand Springs. It's more or less a convenience store in the middle of open ranchland. There is a post office though, so I guess it counts as a town. A homemade sandwich and an Oreo milkshake were just what I needed. The gal making the milkshakes commented how she doesn't always remember how much to put in, so I got bonus milkshake. Hooray for me.

Jordan was the next town and also our stop for the night. The local RV park was kind enough to let us stay. We did some laundry at the local laundromat and then supper at the Hell Gate Bar and then it was time for bed.

'till next time


Miles Ridden Today: 76.09

Total Miles Ridden: 1,314.05

Feet Climbed Today: 2,897

Total Feet Climbed: 47,582

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