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Writer's pictureMatt

Cross Country Day 54: Berrian Springs to Potawatomie Recreation Area

Today my legs felt awesome

I think having a short day really was good for me as I was up and at em today. I was the first out of camp and that never happens. I was feeling good and ready to go. We left Berrian Springs (and the campground's very specific 5 3/4 speed limit) and headed off into the Michigan countryside. Much like the previous days nothing goes very straight for very long. We even found some cool rural seasonal gravel. It was heavily wooded and decently rutted at points. I was proud of myself to have ridden the whole thing. Perhaps I'm getting a little better at technical riding.

Continued to play road farmer seeing some fun variations in the fields with squash and potatoes. At one point I'm pretty sure we went past a large Marijuana growing operation. Not sure what other crop would have such high security measures in place.

Alex and I also had the serendipity moment of coming across a tandem crop dusting pair at work. Crop dusters are so fun to see dash about as they come down low and then zip up at the last possible moment.

Stopped for a strawberry shake in Union City. It was another HOT sunshiny day, so a welcome break indeed.

We ended the day at a campground in the middle of the countryside. Even got a visit from a long time theater friend.

Made sure to set the tent up extra well as thunderstorms were forecast for the evening. Hopefully no wind this time. I had enough fun with that back in Lake City.

'til next time


Miles Ridden Today: 84.00

Feet Climbed Today: 2,264

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