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Writer's pictureMatt

Cross Country Day 73: Manchester to Kittery

Updated: Aug 21, 2023

Today I found an ocean

Today was going to be a good day. Today was the day we were working so hard for. Today we were going to find an ocean. Alex and I left the hotel and headed eastward along one final rail trail. We met the rest of the gang not far after. I guess Josh had a spill on a section that was a little washed out. He's ok but may be stiff for a couple days. Otherwise the trail was really nice. Rail trails are an excellent way to easily cross areas. Makes sense as that's how the trains used to do it. They are scenic and car free. You can just get lost in your thoughts along the way. Oh boy were there a lot of thoughts today.

This journey has been so long in the making. I started planning for it at my first adventure summer 2019. 4 years. We'd talked about it again and again. We're doing it. We're doing it. It seemed so far away. Then suddenly I was on a plane to Seattle and it real.

73 days of adventure. 73 days of struggle. 73 days of excitement. Not every day was awesome. I rode in pouring rain. I rode in oppressive heat. I rode all sorts of roads from dirt to interstate. I crashed a total of 4 times. Twice in one day even. I found out that the job I really enjoyed would not exist when I got home as the company was shutting down. I had strain in my relationships. Still I persisted. I had seen so many incredible things and been to places large and small. I got to spend 73 days with amazing travelers. I've met new friends, and gotten to see some I hadn't seen in years. My family drove over 4 hours to join me for a few days. I've climbed literal mountains. I can do this. I can do hard things. Summer 2017 I couldn't walk. Now look at me. I'm smarter, braver, and bolder. That imposter in me can sit down, shut up, and watch me achieve.

With that achievement mindset I pushed forward. All the way to the Atlantic. There was a body of water so big I could not see the other side. The air was warm. The beach was smooth. The waves were welcoming. These were very different conditions from when we left the Pacific in May. We did it. I did it! 73 days. 13 states/province. 2 countries. 4,000 miles. 1 amazing adventure.

Hello Atlantic Ocean!

We took our photos and had our celebration. I just took some moments to be still and swish my feet through the water. As much as it was amazing to be here and have done this amazing feat, there were tinges of grief. Grief that it was done. Alex showed me a video a little ways back called Beautiful Idiot. ( ). It talks about how it was never about the goal it was about the journey and that is what makes me a beautiful idiot. So now I have to ask myself what's next. I don't know but it'll be great.

Back at the Pacific I had gathered two rocks and I carried them with me every day for 73 days. One to take home and one to throw. Oh it felt so good to throw that rock. I gathered one to take home and we headed out.

Lunch was just up the road at Peteys. When in New England thou shalt have Lobsta. It's like a commandment or something. It was so good.

Then up to Portsmouth (celebrating 400 years this year) for a celebratory beer and lastly over the bridge to Kittery, Maine. State 13.

Hello Maine!

To the hotel we went and the bikes were parked. This was the end, but yet it's not. Supper was at a really good BBQ spot. Probably some of the best I've had. We ended the night with some really good ice cream.

Tomorrow is a new day and a new adventure. We all start to scatter and find our way back to South Dakota. I'm not headed home just yet. Alex and I are having a little epilogue in Montreal, Canada!

'til next time


Miles Ridden Today: 58.44

Feet Climbed Today: 1,250

Total Miles Ridden: 4009.4

Total Feet Climbed: 101,553

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